El Shaddai Chrysalis
Get Ready to FLY!
July 6-9 (Girls)
July 13-16 (Boys)
SUMMER 2006!
Team meeting dates:
Saturday May 20 9am -4 pm Yucaipa UMC
Friday and Saturday June 2&3 Sleepover 7pm on Friday to 12 pm on Saturday Yucaipa UMC
Friday June 30 7-10 pm Yucaipa UMC
Our next Lay Director for flight #7 is Kristen Wintergerst!
The boys Lay Director for flight #8 is Frank Farrell!
Butterflies, Emmaus and Kairos communities, send in your applications now for working team and sponsoring new caterpillars!
Every person who has worked on team in the talk room and background will tell you that it's a weekend you will never forget!
El Shaddai Chrysalis Board meetings:
On your flight we heard how great Chrysalis was for you and how it changed your life. Now is the time to pass that experience to others!
We need you to sponsor youth in your youth group, work on team, make agape gifts, write letters, and most of all pray for these weekends coming up soon!
Please begin to plan now for the flights, contact us for information and applications. (ghoskins1988@yahoo.com)
We need to hear from you today!
Butterflies, come and work the next flights!
Butterflies, and Emmaus community, please sponsor someone!
Send us an email by clicking below or paste the link into your browser bar and we will reply with an application for team or sponsoring! Of course, if you would just like to talk, we love that too!